Whistleblower Protection Reward | Hankook Tire Global go to main stg

Cyber Auditor

Informant protection

  • Confidentiality of the informants’ identity

    The identity of the informant is never disclosed without the informant's consent, and the identity will be kept strictly confidential.

  • No attempt to find the informant

    If any person attempts to find the informant, he/she will be subject to severe disciplinary action, no matter what the reason behind it.

  • No disadvantageous disposition

    In principle, it is forbidden for informants to be subjected to any disadvantage or discrimination due to reports filed or any other associated reasons, and if any disadvantageous disposition is verified, it will be immediately reverted.

  • Exemption of liability

    If the informant is found negligent in relation to the report, the disciplinary action will be exempted in the event of sufficient extenuating circumstances.

Compensation for informants

1. If it is possible to estimate the benefit to be granted, the value of the benefit arising from the report will be estimated to pay compensation.

Benefit granted Compensation payment standards
Up to 50 million KRW 10% of the amount
Above 50 million KRW - 100 million KRW 5 million KRW + 5% of the amount in excess of 50 million KRW
Above 100 million KRW - 500 million KRW 7.5 million KRW + 1.25% of the amount in excess of 100 million KRW
Over 500 million KRW - 1 billion KRW 12.5 million + 0.5% of the amount in excess of 500 million KRW
Over 1 billion KRW 16 million KRW + 0.5% of the amount in excess of KRW 1 billion
Maximum amount 20 million KRW

2. If it is impossible to estimate the amount of benefit to be granted, the amount will vary depending on the result of the disciplinary action of the party subject to a report.

Disciplinary result Compensation
Warning 500,000 KRW
Reprimand 1 million KRW
Confinement 1.5 million KRW
Suspension from work 2 million KRW
Dismissal for disciplinary reasons 2.5 million KRW

Exclusion of the payment of compensation

  • If the information reported is found to be false or the fact is unverifiable due to a lack of evidence.
  • Matters that have already been recognized by investigative authorities, judicial agencies, etc., and thus, an investigation has been initiated, or matters for which disciplinary action, etc. is in progress or is completed.
  • Matters that have already been reported, recognized by the management diagnosis team and other relevant departments, and thus, investigated, or matters for which disciplinary procedures, etc. is in progress or completed
  • Matters that have already been disclosed through media reports, etc.
  • If the report has been filed anonymously or pseudonymously, and therefore, it is unknown who the informant is.
  • If a member of the management diagnosis team has filed the report
  • If compensation is deemed inappropriate as a result of deliberation for other types of compensation and immunity

Compensation estimation standards

  • Granting benefits refers to an increase in profits or a decrease in losses when the company's property is returned in reality. If the effect of granting benefits arises temporarily, the entire associated amount. If the effect arises over the long term, the amount in the relevant year at the time of reporting.
  • If two or more persons file a report of the same misconduct, the payment will be divided equally.
  • The amount of the gain arising from unjust enrichment such as money and valuables found additionally in the investigation conducted by the management diagnosis team will be excluded from the compensation.