Design Innovation | Hankook Tire Global official site go to main stg

Design Innovation

Design the Essence of Mobility

The purpose of the Design Innovation projects is to look into the workings of tomorrow’s smart cities and the resulting changes in mobility they will create so that we can propose a broad spectrum of tire-centered mobility options. It is from the tires that initiate mobility in its truest meaning that we look for new values to usher in the future. This helps us create technologies that are well ahead of their time and make innovative connections among all forms of mobility worldwide.

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    Challenge the Limits of Technology

    Makes innovative attempts to overcome the limit of mobility

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    Create the Innovation of Mobility

    Creates new mobility and venture out boldly into the future we long for

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    Co-create Future Values & Experiences

    Shares new value and experiences through creative collaboration


Our Projects

Any path towards future technology innovation is accompanied by Hankook Tire.
Please take a moment to check out our project stories concerning the future design of tires that will surely play a part in the reality which before only existed in our mind’s eye.