Financial Results - Financial Information Results | Hankook Tire go to main stg

Financial Information & Results

Sales revenue

(Unit: 100 million won)

2020 3Q
  • 18,861
2020 4Q
  • 17,668
2021 1Q
  • 16,168
2021 2Q
  • 18,064
2021 3Q
  • 18,294

Operating profit

(Unit: 100 million won)

9.9% 10.4% 11.5% 12.9% 11.9% 9.9% 10.4% 11.5% 12.9% 11.9% 9.9% 10.4% 11.5% 12.9% 11.9%
2020 3Q
  • 2,247
2020 4Q
  • 2,274
2021 1Q
  • 1,860
2021 2Q
  • 1,870
2021 3Q
  • 1,808
(Unit: 100 million won)
  • Classification Sales revenue Operating profit Operating margin ≥18''/PCLT sales revenue
  • 2020 3Q 18,861 2,247 2,247 33.9%
  • 2020 4Q 17,668 2,274 12.9% 37.4%
  • 2021 1Q 16,168 1,860 11.5% 37.7%
  • 2021 2Q 18,064 1,870 10.4% 38.0%
  • 2021 3Q 18,294 1,808 9.9% 36.4%

Sales revenue by region

(Unit: 100 million KRW)

47.2% 47.1% 47.0% 44.9% 46.3% 45.9% 46.3% 44.9% 47.0% 47.1% 45.9% 46.3% 44.9% 47.0% 47.1%
2020 3Q
  • 2,074
2020 4Q
  • 2,206
2021 1Q
  • 1,856
2021 2Q
  • 1,865
2021 3Q
  • 1,940
43.4% 40.3% 40.5% 39.7% 33.6% 43.4% 40.3% 40.5% 39.7% 33.6% 43.4% 40.3% 40.5% 39.7% 33.6%
2020 3Q
  • 2,181
2020 4Q
  • 2,290
2021 1Q
  • 1,971
2021 2Q
  • 2,101
2021 3Q
  • 2,037
25.7% 29.6% 27.0% 27.1% 22.1% 25.7% 29.6% 27.0% 27.1% 22.1% 25.7% 29.6% 27.0% 27.1% 22.1%
2020 3Q
  • 6,616
2020 4Q
  • 5,571
2021 1Q
  • 5,639
2021 2Q
  • 6,075
2021 3Q
  • 6,763
46.5% 47.7% 50.2% 48.9% 46.1% 46.5% 47.7% 50.2% 48.9% 46.1% 46.5% 47.7% 50.2% 48.9% 46.1%
2020 3Q
  • 5,096
2020 4Q
  • 4,527
2021 1Q
  • 4,173
2021 2Q
  • 4,886
2021 3Q
  • 4,920

IR personnel and contact information

Personnel in charge: Senior Staff Lisa Choe / Email: / Main number: +82-31-5178-7000