Sustainability - Technology Innovation | Hankook Tire go to main stg


We lead wholesome innovation inspired by ‘Sustainability’ with our tire technology that shapes the future of the planet.

E.Circle Process

We respect the environment throughout the entire tire fabrication process
from the initial design phase where chemicals used for our products are verified to prevent hazards to the planning, manufacturing and disposal phases.

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    Planning and Research

    Researches and plans products in a way to conceptualize user-centric qualities while continuously scouting for new technologies to provide a more valuable user experience

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    Uses the Global Chemical Information System to analyze the chemicals that go into our products to ensure they pose no hazard and pursue lightweight designs to reduce rolling resistance and resource consumption and consider long-lasting performance in tire design

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    Raw Materials Acquisition

    Identifies eco-conscious raw materials and suppliers for tire manufacturing

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    Introduces equipment that helps reduce waste and pollutants while reducing water withdrawals and energy consumption

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    Recycles end-of-life tires into more tires or other rubber products

Material Compound Technology

Recycling, Renewable, Reducing and Reusable are the four criteria we reach for handling resources and materials. The wholesome innovation we pursue aims to increase the ratio of green materials while minimizing energy waste in the manufacturing and production processes. These are just some examples of how we protect the environment while advancing technology.

Sustainable Resources and Materials Strategy and Goal

The four criteria of Recycling, Renewable, Reducing and Reusable drive our relentless research on resources and materials.

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    Reduce CO2 emissions and other environmental pollution

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    Recycle tire rubber to mitigate carbon emissions

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    Use green resources to promote energy recovery

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    Reuse worn-out tires

Our Sustainable Resources and Materials at a Glance

Mid/long-term R&D efforts to use sustainable biologically-derived eco-friendly materials and recycle tires.

Hankook Tire & Technology – Innovation – Sustainability - Material Compound Technology - Our Sustainable Resources and Materials at a Glance - Recyclable Materials Hankook Tire & Technology – Innovation – Sustainability - Material Compound Technology - Our Sustainable Resources and Materials at a Glance - Recyclable Materials_m
Hankook Tire & Technology – Innovation – Sustainability - Material Compound Technology - Our Sustainable Resources and Materials at a Glance - Recycled Materials Hankook Tire & Technology – Innovation – Sustainability - Material Compound Technology - Our Sustainable Resources and Materials at a Glance - Recycled Materials_m