Key Figures - Financial Information Results | Hankook Tire go to main stg

Financial Information & Results

Key Indicators

Sales revenue

Operating profit


(Unit: 100 million won)

  • 66,218
  • 11,032
  • 16,061
  • 68,129
  • 7,934
  • 13,426
  • 67,951
  • 7,027
  • 12,817
  • 68,833
  • 5,440
  • 11,756
  • 64,531
  • 6,283
  • 12,558

Growth rate

(Unit: 100 million won)
  • Growth Sales revenue Gross margin Operating profit Ordinary income Net profit Sales revenue growth rate Operating profit growth rate
  • 2016 66,218 25,767 11,032 10,924 8,791 3.0% 24.7%
  • 2017 68,129 23,205 7,027 7,430 6,065 2.9% -28.1%
  • 2018 67,951 21,036 7,027 6,977 5,304 67,951 -11.4%
  • 2019 68,833 19,221 5,440 5,899 4,296 1.3% -22.6%
  • 2020 64,531 19,030 6,283 5,783 3,852 -6.2% 15.5%


(Unit: 100 million KRW)
  • Profitability Gross profit margin Operating margin Ordinary income margin Net profit margin
  • 2016 38.9% 16.7% 16.7% 13.3%
  • 2017 34.1% 11.6% 10.9% 8.9%
  • 2018 31.0% 10.3% 10.3% 7.8%
  • 2019 27.9% 7.9% 8.6% 6.2%
  • 2020 29.5% 9.7% 9.0% 6.0%


(Unit: 100 million won)
  • Stability Liabilities Debt ratio Current assets Current asset ratio Current liabilities Asset Total Shareholders’ Equity Capital adequacy ratio
  • 2016 36,605 61.4% 32,931 134.6% 24,468 96,220 59,615 62.0%
  • 2017 34.1% 49.3% 35,344 155.4% 22,740 95,188 63,735 67.0%
  • 2018 30,061 44.3% 36,532 155.4% 20,226 97,964 67,903 69.3%
  • 2019 29,774 41.4% 41,137 193.0% 21,311 101,646 71,872 70.7%
  • 2020 32,464 43.8% 46,882 263.2% 17,809 106,585 74,121 69.5%

IR personnel and contact information

Personnel in charge: Senior Staff Lisa Choe / Email: / Main number: +82-31-5178-7000