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Hankook Tire ESG

Hankook Tire & Technology has established the ESG committee and continued to practice the ESG principles to remain fully committed towards its corporate responsibilities and roles.

ESG Implementation Scheme

Hankook Tire & Technology has been running the ESG implementation scheme since 2010 to ensure that the ESG activities are naturally reflected in the work of our employees for their implementation. The ESG implementation scheme consists of the strategy committee, eight steering committees, and a working-level council. The ESG Strategy Committee reports on the results to the management in order to discuss the future directions and continues to carry out ESG activities, with the ESG Steering Committee leading the way.

  • ESG Strategy Committee

    • General management support
    • General manager of the Korean Business Division
    • General manager of the Safe Production Technology Division
    • Manager of the Management Innovation
    • Manager of the R&D Innovation
    • Marketing manager
    • Head of European Headquarters
    • Chinese Headquarters
    • Head of European Headquarters
  • ESG Steering Committee

    • Product Environment Committee
    • SHE Committee
    • Climate Change Committee
    • Employee Committee
    • Ethical Management Committee
    • Research Committee for Social Responsibility
    • Supplier Committee
    • Governance Committee
  • ESG Working Council

    • Secretary of 8 steering committees

* ESG Strategy Committee: Consist of members of senior management to decide on companywide ESG directions and issues
* ESG Steering Committee: Consist of division heads or responsible executives in each focus area to develop and implement ESG plan, share ESG issues and discuss solutions
* ESG working-level council: Share and consult on key issues among respective committees