Sustainable Product - Hankook Tire ESG| Hankook Tire Global go to main stg

Sustainable Product

To minimize the impact on the environment, we make eco-friendly products through innovative R&D.

Sustainable Material

We are developing an advanced technology for raw materials used to manufacture tires under the definition of sustainable materials.

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    Renewable Material

    • Renewable Materials
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    Recycled Material

    • Recycled Materials
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    Eco Certification

    • Certification of eco-friendly materials for suppliers
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    • Materials that reduce CO2 emissions compared to the previous raw materials

Percentage of sustainable raw materials used

We plan to increase the percentage of sustainable raw materials used to 100% by 2050.

  • 25.2 % 2018

  • 26.5 % 2019

  • 26.1 % 2020

100 % 2050

Sustainable Technology Development

We develop and apply technologies designed to reduce the environmental impact during product use and disposal.

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    Optimization of tire weight

    In 2020, reduced by up to 14% compared to the previous products of the company Developed tires with reduced rolling resistance by up to 10%

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    Waste tire management

    Participated in the research on Tire Industry Project (TIP) and participated in the “Stakeholder Dialogue” to share knowledge and collaborate on End of Life Tires (ELT) in the tire industry in 2020.

  • The Implementation of Eco-design

    With the life-cycle evaluation, the environmental impact is preemptively evaluated and revised from the product design phase

  • Introduction of harmful substance emissions reduction technology from the manufacturing phase

    Reduced NOx emissions with high-efficiency denitrification facility: -42% compared to emissions standards