Responsible Engagement - Hankook Tire ESG | Hankook Tire go to main stg

Responsible Engagement

We participate responsibly with the various stakeholders of Hankook Tire & Technology. We deeply care about our employees to create values for them and engage in the activities to manage a sustainable supply chain. In addition, Hankook Tire & Technology unfolds the social contribution activities for mutual growth with the local community in a wide variety of fields, and communicates with the stakeholders in each value chain for mutual growth.

Valuable Supply Chain

SNR (Sustainable Natural Rubber) activities

We are a founding member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR), a global platform for the sustainability of natural rubber. In 2018, after establishing the “sustainable natural rubber policy” which sets out the specific social responsibility for the natural rubber supply chain, we have updated the policy to reflect the 2020 Policy Components.

Hankook Tire & technology provided formic acid to help small natural rubber farms in Indonesia, together with natural rubber processors, to improve the quality of natural rubber and prevent environmental pollution. Natural rubber is manufactured by coagulating latex collected from rubber trees, and farms use formic acid to reduce the time it takes for coagulation. If small farms use other types of acids that are relatively cheaper than formic acid, the quality of their natural rubber will invariably experience a decline, the water may become polluted, and the workers’ health may be adversely affected. Therefore, Hankook Tire & Technology provided formic acid which is comparatively safer as it exists naturally in the venom glands of ants or bees and wasps, nettles, and pine trees, thereby contributing to the production of 1,500 tons of natural rubber.

Hankook Tire & Technology has announced a partnership with the largest tire distributor in the UK to apply blockchain for purchasing sustainable natural rubber with a tracked supply, manufacturing, the sales history of natural rubber, and the manufacturing of tires with them. Any proceeds earned from selling “Project Tree” tires will be used for sustainable activities, such as purchasing farming tools, providing necessary education, and paying incentives, for small farms, rubber tappers, and local merchants who provide their valuable assistance to record the transactions and obtain traceability.

Percentage of suppliers that have received an ESG evaluation for the last 3 years

  • 72.3 % 2018

  • 72.8 % 2019

  • 94 % 2020

Acquisition of the human rights management and diversity

Subsidiary-type standard workplace for disabled people

Hankook Doggeurami Partners is a subsidiary-type standard workplace for disabled people which has been established to provide new possibilities and the opportunity to take on challenges for the socially vulnerable, and contribute towards the growth and development of our society. This project could be considered as the most important social contribution project among various social welfare activities provided by Hankook Tire & Technology as it offers stable jobs for the socially vulnerable. The best welfare for the socially vulnerable, such as disabled people, especially those with severe disabilities, is a stable job. With a focus on the job offering project, Hankook Doggeurami Partners plans to focus all its capabilities on fulfilling the demand for corporate social responsibility. Hankook Doggeurami Partners offers jobs to employees as a venue for self-realization, and offers safe and reliable goods and services to our customers.

Status of various employees (The total number of employees: 19,900)

  • 146 people with disabilities have been hired

  • 9.7 % Female workforce

  • 15.5 % Female leaders (senior staff or higher)

Employees Care

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    An optional flextime scheme

    Hankook Tire & Technology is implementing a selective flextime scheme that allows its employees to flexibly adjust their working hours. This scheme contributes significantly towards maintaining the work-life balance of its employees and improving their performance. Based on the verification of the operation results and satisfaction survey, we will further expand our flextime scheme to provide a freer working environment for our employees. We also run the “reduced working hours scheme during a childcare period” for our employees to both work and provide care for their children so as to prevent any career interruption and ensure the hours required for childcare.

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    Operation of an in-house daycare center “H-KIDZ”

    We run in-house childcare centers at our major business establishments, such as our headquarters, research center, and plants, for our employees to leave their children in the care of professional help at peace. Our daycare centers offer a systematic curriculum that helps with the physical and emotional development of each age group and organic meals with a nutritional balance, leading to high employee satisfaction. All operating expenses, except for government subsidies, are fully paid by the company, offering free access to employees, and the company also covers part of the kindergarten expenses to its employees with children who go to kindergartens to help them benefit from a better working environment.

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    Endeavor to reinforce the health and safety management activities for our employees

    To manage SHE issues and risks, we operate the Safety and Health Advisory Committee and manage the safety of our employees. With the advice of external experts, we ascertain and improve issues in our safety and health systems and operating processes and objectively verify them to seek enhanced methods for further development. We continue to break away from the limitation or rigidity that lies in the previous systems with health and safety as our top priority to further reinforce our management of the working environment.

Community Engagement


Performance in 2021

Number of vehicles provided : 80 units
Number of tires provided : 2,978 units
Number of buses provided : 17 units

Cumulative performance

Number of vehicles provided : 627 units
Number of tires provided : 26,990 units
Number of buses supported : 3,545 units


Performance in 2021

Number of social housing supplied : 9
Number of households in residence : 340 households

Cumulative performance

Number of social housing supplied : 48
Number of households in residence : 1,112 households


Performance in 2021

Number of black shiners released : 1,500
Number of iris minutoaurea planted : 200
Number of iris ruthenica planted : 200

Cumulative performance

Number of black shiners released : 3,500
Number of iris minutoaurea planted : 215
Number of iris ruthenica planted : 215
Number of abeliophyllum trees planted (2019-2020) : 2,068 trees