ESG Overview - Hankook Tire ESG | Hankook Tire Global go to main stg

Hankook Tire ESG

Hankook Tire & Technology has developed an ESG vision under its management mission to implement the strategies for each area of priority.

ESG Strategy

  • esg-overview-05

    Management Mission

    • Future Innovated, Innovation Realized
  • esg-overview-04

    ESG Vision

    • Innovation for a Sustainable Future

Priority Area of ESG

  • esg-overview-03

    Eco Value Chain

    • • Reduction of GHG emissions
      • Production with minimal environmental impact
  • esg-overview-04

    Sustainable Product

    • • Use of sustainable materials
      • Development of sustainable technologies
  • esg-overview-01

    Responsible Engagement

    • • Valuable Supply Chain
      • Community Engagement
      • Human Rights Management and Assurance of Diversity
      • Creation of Values for Employees

Eco Value Chain

Strategic Direction Target (target year) Key Initiatives
Reduction of GHG emissions
Achievement of
carbon neutrality
  • • Set the GHG emission reduction targets (carbon neutrality, net-zero, etc.)
  • • Have the GHG emission reduction targets approved by a third party (SBTi) and report on the performance
  • • Convert energy (using renewable power, bio-mass, etc.)
  • • Develop and apply innovative GHG reduction technologies
  • • Ensure our business partners strive tirelessly to accomplish carbon neutrality
Production with minimal environmental impact
Basic unit for the quantity of water intake
30% reduction (2030)

Basic unit for the quantity of waste discharged
30% reduction (2030)
  • • Minimize water use (reduce water use and increase the use of recycled water)
  • • Minimize the waste created and increase the substance recycling (reduce incineration and landfill)
  • • Minimize air pollutant emissions (optimize the operation of pollution prevention facilities)
  • • Engage in the activities designed to conserve biodiversity

Sustainable Product

Strategic Direction Target (target year) Key Initiatives
Use of sustainable materials
100% use of
sustainable raw materials
  • • Acquisition of the sustainable material * technology
  • • Development of joint technology for a partnership
Development of
sustainable technology
80% are
eco-friendly products
  • • RR (rolling resistance) improvement
  • • Reducing the weight of tires
  • • Design for easy discharging and the recycling of waste tires
  • • Recycling waste tires

Responsible Engagement

Strategic Direction Target (target year) Key Initiatives
Valuable Supply Chain
ESG evaluation of the global partners with 0% ESG risk
  • • SNR (sustainable natural Rubber) activities
  • • Reinforcement of the ESG competitiveness of suppliers and support for mutual growth
Community Engagement
50% increase in the
social value created
  • • Concentration of capabilities by utilizing corporate resources and business
  • • Characteristics support for the independence of the socially disadvantaged
  • • Partnership with stakeholders in the local community
Acquisition of the human rights management and diversity
20% female leaders
  • • Increased employment of female workers and persons with disabilities
  • • Endeavor to reinforce the due diligence process for human rights
Employee care
Zero serious accidents
  • • Support for the improvement of employees’ competency
  • • Management of the health and safety of employees